Official site art-studio of Lyakhov Pavel :: Brutal Russian Contemporary Dark Art
Official site art-studio of Lyakhov Pavel :: Brutal Russian Contemporary Dark Art
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01.11.2011. FOREST( November,19 2011) Moscow

FOREST( November,19 2011) Moscow. Opening in15:00


more info...

angelgothic-logo        rgp



13.09.2011. NEW artwork!

brutal three!!!.

Etude from travel on the Krimea. Angarsky pass. (Deary from travel see:









21.06.2011. Pavel Lyakhov in «BRANDBOOK» project



19 июня состоялась презентация проекта Алексея Иорша "BRANDBOOK". Выставка прошла в неформальном выставочном центре DEPO.

more (sorry, text on russian)...








30.05.2011. Митинг "Образование - право, а не услуга!".
1 Июнь 2011 г. · 19:00 - 22:00
Москва, Пушкинская площадь
Подробнее см.

Инь-Янь выставка

Вера Большакова. Плакат.

Данная новость выходит за рамки понятия DARK-ART. Реформаторы новой России хотят подсунуть народу очередную "свинью" в виде законопроекта о платном образовании. Этот закон - очередной вклад в дело уничтожения населения России. Мой гражданский долг, как гражданина России, восприпятствовать прохождению этого законопроекта. На первый взгляд участие в акциях протеста в условиях современной России может казаться бесполезной тратой времени, но если протесты будут носить массовый характер, рано или поздно с мнением населения будут считаться. Стоит ли спать дальше?

1 Июня 2011 г. с 19:00 до 22:00 в Москве на Пушкинской площади пройдёт митинг "Образование - право, а не услуга!"








27.04.2011. 28 апреля 2011 г. в Фонде художника М. Шемякина состоится открытие очередной научно-исследовательской выставки "Монстры. Мифологические персонажи". На выставке будут также представлены работы Павла Ляхова.

Инь-Янь выставка


Выставка, проходящая в рамках крупномасштабного исследовательского проекта, является логическим продолжением прочитанной художником Шемякиным на телеканале "Культура" одноименной лекции из серии "Воображаемый музей". Представления о нереальном, уходящем в область легенд и всевозможных суеверий будоражит сознание человека, вызывая неподдельный интерес, множество споров, домыслов и дискуссий среди исследователей. С незапамятных времен мифы, легенды, предания составляют важнейший источник художественного творчества.

Не случайно, героями экспозиции, расположившейся в арт-центре М. Шемякина стали мифологические монстры. В живописных полотнах, графических рисунках, скульптурах, арт-объектах и фотографиях, представленных в Фонде, отражен весь спектр представлений о мифологических героях, мифических существах, чудовищах и сказочных животных. Художники и кураторы проекта, не спеша давать ответ на главный вопрос выставки, лишь подготовили вполне осязаемую почву для размышлений зрителя о том, кто же они, мифологические монстры?

Для осмысления темы, наряду с античной мифологией, в экспозиции широко представлены образы мифологического эпоса самых разных эпох и культур. Всего более 150 оригиналов отечественных и зарубежных художников и уникальных экспонатов из личной коллекции Михаила Шемякина - ретроспективные материалы, собранные художником из журналов, коллекций, каталогов выставок, гравюр и личных фотографий.

В выставке примут участие свыше 70 художников из Петербурга, Москвы, Мурманска, Таганрога, Минска, Торонто. Работы многих из них впервые представлены в Петербурге.

Выставка продлится до сентября 2011 г.

Пресс-показ и пресс-конференция по случаю открытия выставки состоятся 28 апреля (четверг) в 17.00 по адресу: г. Санкт-Петербург, Садовая ул., д.11, Фонд Михаила Шемякина.

Обязательная аккредитация по тел.:
Марина Щербакова (812) 310-25-14, 310-02-75, +7 (911) 171 12 45


18.03.2011. The International Art Exhibition "Yin-Yang" from March 29 to April 3, 2011

Инь-Янь выставка


More than 100 artists from Moscow, Russia, CIS, Germany, USA, Portugal, Cyprus, New Zealand, Mexico, Poland, Serbia, Turkey, Greece.

* Paintings, drawings, sculpture, batik, photographs *

Tverskaya Street, 21, Moscow, Russia,
The State Central Museum of Contemporary History of Russia

The museum is located on a central Moscow street Tverskaya, near Pushkin Square,
the building - an architectural monument of late classicism of the late XVIII century.
From 1831 it housed the Moscow English Club.
In the XX century - the Museum of the Revolution.

In the art halls of museum were held exhibitions:
Salvador Dali
Marc Chagall
Alexander Tikhomirov
Marat Gelman Gallery read more....




17.03.2011. Exhibition 55 / 3. Moscow design center "ARTPLAY", Hall: "Lab". 26 - 27 March 12.00-20.00

55 на 3 artplay gallery


Выставка «55/3», представляющая в течение 3-х дней работы 55 молодых художников, направлена на освобождение искусства от любого давления, в пространстве которой молодые художники получают возможность свободного высказывания... More...:

Opening:  March 25, 19.00
The exhibition will be: 26 - 27 March 12.00-20.00


Design Center "ARTPLAY", Hall "Laboratory "
m.Kurskaya Str. Nijniaya Syromyatnicheskaya h.10, building 3, floor 2
tel.: (495) 620-08-82, (495) 917-47-67, (495) 916-77-98

Admission is free!

View Press Release:



17.02.2011. New video: BLACKMEAT (P. Lyakhov & K. Tarasov). ПОD - project. Sians 2011.

Art group Blackmeat video





15.02.2011. February 8, 2011. Exhibition of art group BLACKMEAT (Konstantin Tarasov, Pavel Lyakhov). Place: ancient quarries Sians.

под pavel lyakhov

The projekt "under" (UNDER) created Pavel Lyakhov and Constantin Tarasov. "UNDER" is the way to the archaic foundations of human. People throughout history on the way to the comfort and well-being is struggling with their environment. Disharmony in the environment leading to mutations - both physical and mental.

…we can bury our fears in wealth. everything seems to be ok. but we always have the possibility that the men's animal starvation can kill the desire for beauty in every human being. Perhaps, we'll return to our real caves and dream only about a Bison…

To reduce the risk associated with finding underground, the number of guests is limited. Accreditation: markiz-dark (dog)


11.12.2010.December 19. Closing of the exhibition-event "Competition". To receive an invitation Be added

пошел, куда пошел


The project is a continuation of trends in the use of abandoned spaces for organizing exhibitions.
The exhibition was attended by about 30 contemporary artists representing the latest trends in contemporary art.
Theme of the exhibition - a match in all its manifestations.
The exhibition - the action takes place with the assistance of "A-3" gallery. Admission by appointment via e-mail markiz-dark(dog)





10.12.2010. From 16 to 25 December 2010 at the Gallery "on Vspolny", Moscow an exhibition of contemporary art "Many, many". The exhibition presents the brutal paintings of Pavel Lyakhov.

brutal russian art



December 16 at 18:00. Address: Moscow, Vspolny lane. 3
Admission is free.





07.12.2010. VIDEO from Pavel Lyakhov "Mince"/ Black-noize-sound from Pavel Lyakhov



02.12.2010. 2, Exhibition PROTO-2 Visual art, music, dance 3, 4, 5 December 2010 st. Povarskaia, 20, the project "Open Stage"



Lyakhov Pavel takes part in exhibition «PROTO-2"

INTERNATIONAL CULTURAL PROJECT ART-Residence with the support of the Directorate of the project "Open Stage" of the Department of Culture, Moscow

One of the main principles of the draft Art Residence is a comparison of the various genres of art in one space and in the same period of time. The project does not imply a confusion of genres, but allows you to see and understand the ideas contained in this or that product, looking at him with a contiguous territory.

December 3 and 4 show opening at 19:00, the beginning of a musical and perfomansnoy program at 20:00

December 5th opening of the exhibition at 15:30, the beginning of a musical and perfomansnoy program at 16:00

During the work the focus of discussions and meetings with project participants.


12.10.2010. The exhibition "On the contrary" to the "Winery"

пошел, куда пошел


The exhibition "On the contrary" to the "Winery"

Today, Oct. 12, in CSI "Winery" opens a group exhibition of paintings of young artists "by contradiction", which focuses on the place and the prospects for the development of painting in contemporary art. The exhibition presents works executed in various paintings, including experimental techniques.

In the twentieth century, more than once prophesied the death of art. Organizers and participants set themselves the task to show that such talk - just an excuse for another revival of painting, to overcome it myself. Hence the name - "On the contrary," which suggests a movement from the familiar and established in the direction of a new, intuitive search. The starting point for such a search is a reality, associated with an individual understanding of the paintings by each of the artists.

Initiative exhibition belongs to the students and graduates of the leading educational institutions in Moscow in the field of contemporary art - Institute of Contemporary Art, Moscow School Photography and Multimedia. Alexander Rodchenko, School of Contemporary Art "Free Workshops", MGAHI them. VISurikova. "Young artists are united by the idea of painting, took this step without any support from the institutions - says the curator and exhibitor, Vladimir Potapov. - Format open submission will make sure that the painting techniques and practices operated by young artists are very diverse that there is a communicative medium, which generates a steady desire to change the situation ».

During the contest organizers have received over 200 applications from Russia, as well as from countries near and far abroad . Were selected works of more than 40 authors, including both new and already well-known names: Pavel Lyakhov, Anna Acorn, Yegor Koshelev, Alexander Pogorzhelsky, Ilya Hedgehog and others. The expert committee included prominent figures of contemporary art: Yuri Shabel'nikov, Natalia Abalakov Anatoly Zhigalov, Irina Kulik, Daria Kamyshnikova, Daria Pyrkina, Alexander Sigutin , Alexander Panov.

exhibition runs until November 14, 2010.

Source: Press Release CSI "Winery»

21.10.2010. Exhibition of paintings by Pavel Lyakhov in the building ROSGORSTRAH..

пошел, куда пошел


Brutal paintings of Pavel Lyakhov will again reach the metropolitan audience. Giant canvases of the artist will presented in the main lobby of the building.

Admission is free but by appointment please call 8-905-564-74-18, 8-925-772-66-95.

Address: m.Kievskaya, Kievskaya Str, 7, pod.4.





12.10.2010. Published photos from the exhibition "MINCE".

пошел, куда пошел

Pavel Lyakhov art-installation.
Foto: Tatiana Stan Sushenkova

Photos from Tatiana Stan Sushenkova

Photos from Vlad Chizjenkov

Photos from Irina Chernetskaia

другие фоторепортажи





22.04.2010. Pavel Lyakhov involved in the action "Geysers subconscious Kremlin"

geysers in the Kremlin

April 25, 2010, from noon to midnight will be unique Festival Marathon "Geysers subconscious Kremlin" . At the stage by the brightest stars underground: poets Imagists, futurist, Symbolist; folk, rock, ethnic groups and musicians. In the restaurant will be exhibited works by Surrealists: paintings, sculptures, dolls. Also Playing: body art, enchanting performances, etc.

Pavel Lyakhov will present some of their products.

Admission fee: 900 rubles.

Visit the Festival at any time convenient for you time from 12:00 to 00:12 hours.

Address: Moscow, Vetoshny Pereulok, 9, 5 th Floor (Metro station "Theater", "Gr. Revolution", "Okhotny number, input by Nikolskaya Street, opposite the store GUM)

Map and details information about the exhibition.

12.04.2010. Storm - a new artwork from Pavel Lyakhov



"This work is a product of my views on the awareness of time, religion and the relative meaninglessness of human existence. Running and changing idols and gods will eventually lead us to equilibrium, a zero entropy. Whirlwind stopped all the madness has stopped in cryogenic storm, the rate tends to infinity zero ... "


07.04.2010. In the section "Books" was first published article "Science and Art." Article writing while studying at the MOSCOW STATE ACADEMY OF FINE CHEMICAL TECHNOLOGY NAMED AFTER M.V.LOMONOSOV, in 2003.

Наука и искусство


The work was written as a final during my studies at the special course "Filosifiya science" from LA Serafimov. The article was accidentally found in archival records.Read more...


30.03.2010. «BRUTALMOERTUM» now available on our website!



This book was published in 2009, was first presented at the exhibition "All shades of darkness." It is now available on our website. Those interested can purchase the book via courier or by mail.



4 03 2010. Released an official past-release of the exhibition "All shades of Darkness"

павел ляхов все оттенки тьмы


"Dark Arts Centre Paul Lyakhova" is the official past-release of the exhibition "All shades of Darkness".

On the same page posted television, print and online reports and announcements of the previous exhibition.

Photos from the exhibition can be viewed at

14 01 2010. EXHIBITION: "All shades of Darkness"

павел ляхов все оттенки тьмы

"Dark Arts Centre of Pavel Lyakhov" is an international exhibition project "All shades of Darkness".

The exhibition will be held from 07.02.10 to 21.02.10 (February 21 - the exhibition runs from 11 to 14 - the last day when you can buy your favorite artworks.)

About the project.
"All shades of Darkness" encyclopedic exhibition project, representing the viewer a multifaceted and mysterious art related to the theme of dark romance and dark mystery. The exhibition of this scale on the topic in Russia for the first time - this is its uniqueness. In the gallery, seven exhibition spaces, allowing the widest possible coverage theme dark art. Will display works from the demonic fantasy, Gothic to brutal-meat works that resonate with the music of Cannibal Corpse.

The exhibition for the first time a book of Pavel Lyakhov "BRUTALMOERTUM". Price 200 rub. Circulation is limited. Ask at the Reception Gallery. Ibid at Reception you can buy magazines DARKCITY costs 130 rubles. which is much cheaper than in rock shops.

February 18 19-00 concert Coincidentia Oppositorum - gothic rock.

For purchase paintings, please contact the gallery staff or call 8-917-507-59-41.


The exhibition will be held in the gallery "N" from 7 to 21 February at: Moscow, Beskudnikovsky Boulevard, Building 6 / 4. (Metro. Petrovsko-Razumovskaia, bus. 167, 114, marshrutnoe taxi. 167; Metro. Timiryazevskaya bus. 206 , Tr. 47,56,78, marshrutnoe taxi. 406, 356, 294, 378 stop. Tsvetmtavtomatika)

Gallery Hours

Hours: Tuesday-Saturday from 11.00 to 20.00

Key dates:

February 7 (Sunday) - Opening 17-00

February 13 (Saturday) at 16.00 - Lecture on the dark arts. Read Pavel Lyakhov.


For journalists and reporters: accreditation by phone 8-495-707-52-00 [Tues-Saturday from 11-00 to 20-00] (Irina). Either 8-917-507-59-41 (Pavel).

[Link to Press Release format pdf:]